Soul Harbor

Welcome to Soul Harbor, a beacon of faith nestled in the heart of Middletown, Indiana. Here, we are more than a church; we are a family bound by the love of God and committed to sharing His divine word with all.

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our mission is simple: to walk faithfully in the teachings of Christ, spread His unconditional love, and foster a community where everyone feels at home. Whether you are seeking solace, searching for answers, or hoping to deepen your relationship with God, you’ve found a place where you are welcomed, valued, and loved.


As a nondenominational church, we stand firmly on the foundation of Scripture. The Bible guides every aspect of our worship, teachings, and daily living. We are dedicated to exploring the depths of God’s word together, in spirit and in truth, embracing its power to transform lives.


Every soul that steps into Soul Harbor is unique, and together, we create a tapestry of faith that is vibrant and dynamic. Whether you are new to faith or seeking to strengthen your spiritual journey, there is a place for you here. Our gatherings, services, and community activities are designed to foster growth, understanding, and connection.

Visit Us

You’re invited to be part of our church family. Whether in person or online, your presence enriches us. Discover more about our services, community, and how you can get involved. Let’s walk this path of faith together, with open hearts and open arms.

Located At

2089 N. Raider Road
New Castle, IN, 47362

Service Time

Sun: 2pm – 4pm